Your first choice
in freight transport
Quality without compromise
HŽ Cargo is the leading rail freight carrier in Croatia and the region. With our safe and reliable transport services, your cargo always reaches its destination.
Find out more
about our services

Choose from a variety of cargo transport
services, from classic to exceptional consignments.

Wagon maintenance
Professional and reliable maintenance of railway wagons
Services tailored
to your industry
Our team of experienced professionals will provide you with logistics solutions that are tailored to your unique needs.

Maps of the railway network in Croatia
News from the tracks
Your station for the latest
news about HŽ Cargo

in numbers
More than 900 experts ensure a
successful transport of your cargo.
Over 6 million transported
tons in 2023
More than 60 locomotives and around
3.000 wagons will transport your cargo safely to its destination.
We are always on
the right track for you

It cannot get
any greener
Did you know that the railway is one of the safest
and most environmentally friendly means of transport?